IIoT Sensors
We design cost effective and robust industrial grade Industrial LoRaWAN actuators with extreme range wireless and ultra low power capabilities
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We design cost effective and robust industrial grade Industrial LoRaWAN actuators with extreme range wireless and ultra low power capabilities
We are compliant with all gateway brands from the market and follow all necessary standards to combine our sensors on any Cloud platforms
We can propose a complete bottom-up solution:: from the sensor to your control center…
We have the inside knowledge to finetune any of your requirements
All of our design are industrial grade and made for working in rugged environment
Strong signal penetration (even within a urban area or inside buildings)
Bidirectional communication with feedback resent to the gateway or the Application Server
Data are encrypted between the sensor and the concentrator (AES128) and between concentrator and the Control Center (VPN)
Ultra-low power design with 10-15 years autonomy
Compliant with all Industrial Internet of Things platforms
LoRa LPWAN technology
We go straight to the point and deliver in time
Our Sales team is technically sound
We do not only sell our advanced solutions: we support our customers with efficiency